Tuesday, August 11, 2009

People Fake Community Service Hours

Rally-O Agility

The Rally Obedience is a fun-sport discipline open to all dogs and to strengthen the dog-owner relationship as well as ensuring proper management of the dog in everyday life. While there dall'Obedience
inspired much different. The main difference between the two disciplines lies in the possibility given to the tenant to communicate and encourage the dog with both sentences with gestures without being penalizzato.Il handler may talk to the dog, praise, encourage, clap their hands (even legs), reinforced and use any form of verbal encouragement throughout the course, while in no case punire il cane ( durante tutto il tempo della prova comandi dati con voce forte, aspra o tendenti ad intimidire il cane saranno penalizzati). Quindi nel Rally Obedience viene premiata la collaborazione del binomio e l'attenzione del cane sul suo conduttore.

La prova di Rally Obedience consiste in un percorso a stazioni con valutazione a punti e tempo in cui si mettono in pratica gli esercizi appresi con l’educazione di base così si possono trovare le combinazioni di seduto, terra ma anche svolte ( ad es.di 90° e 360°), dietrofront, slalom o figure ad otto intorno a coni, salti, fermate, richiami ed anche la palizzata, il tavolo e il passaggio tra due persone.
Ciascun esercizio sarà indicato da un apposito cartello riportante la descrizione di ciò che il binomio deve fare. I cartelli andranno tenuti sempre alla destra del conduttore e gli esercizi vanno eseguiti a max 1 mt di distanza dal cartello.

Sono previste tre classi:

Il percorso di gara può variare per molti aspetti. Le differenze includono la selezione e il numero
degli esercizi usati e la sequenza in cui gli esercizi sono combinati.

Lo svolgimento delle competizioni in questa classe avviene con il cane al guinzaglio. Le competizioni in questa classe prevedono A maximum of 15 stations. In this class you will look in particular at the dog-owner relationship.

The conduct of racing in this class is done with the dog without a leash. In
path increases the number of stations that difficulty. In this class we suggest a number of stations between 15 and 20. In this class you will look in particular at the level of attention that the dog puts on the conductor.

CLASS ADVANCED The competitions take place in this class with your dog off the lead pipe. In this class stations may not be less than 20. In this class we will look first rise to the level of conduct and that the dog will pay attention to the lessee.


points in the route starting point and should not be exceeded by the couple until the start signal by the court.
Finish: signals the end of the course and must be passed by the couple in order to conclude the test
Stop - Sitting: in conduct, the combination of stops and the dog sits at the foot, and immediately after, the pair again in Conduct up to the next station.
Stop - Sitting - Standing: in conduct, the combination of stops and the dog sits, having been replaced the dog standing, the couple again in the duct.
Stop - Sitting - Earth in conduct, the pair stops, the dog sits and then is grounded, and immediately after, the pair starts to conduct (the dog straight into the "Earth") until the next station .
Stop - Sitting - Earth - Sitting: in conduct, the combination of stops and the dog sits, the dog is put down and then sat down, and immediately after, the pair starts to conduct.
Stop - Sitting - Go around to the dog in conduct, the combination of stops and the dog sits at the foot, the driver turns a full circle around the dog itself (within 50 cm maximum) che deve restare fermo fino al ritorno del conduttore; subito dopo, il binomio riparte in condotta.
Stop – Seduto – Terra – Gira intorno al cane: in condotta, il binomio si ferma e il cane si siede; il cane viene messo a terra e il conduttore compie un giro completo intorno al cane stesso (nel raggio di 50 cm al massimo), che deve restare fermo fino al ritorno del conduttore; subito dopo, il binomio riparte in condotta.
Svolta a destra: cane e conduttore eseguono una svolta a destra con angolo di 90°
Svolta a sinistra: cane e conduttore eseguono una svolta a sinistra con angolo di 90°
Dietro-front a destra: cane e conduttore eseguono un dietro-front right at an angle of 180 ° about-face on the left
: dog and handler perform a U-turn left at an angle of 180 °
Turn right 360 degrees: dog and handler running a shift to the right 360 °
Turn left to 360 ° dog and handler running a left turn 360 degrees
Slow Pitch: dog and handler proceed at a slow pace in conduct
Pass rush: dog and handler proceed in conducted at a run
Step normal dog and handler proceed at a normal pace in conduct
Stop - 1, 2, 3 steps forward: with dog sitting at the foot, the conductor makes a step forward and stops, takes two steps forward and stops, takes three steps forward and stops, the dog follows the handler and must sit at the foot of each stop
Slalom: this exercise requires five cones (or similar items ) placed in a straight line at a distance of about 1.50 ml'uno other. The entry takes place between the first and second cone and must be performed on the left side of the combination (ie, with the dog inside).
Figure 8 with noise: this exercise requires two cones and two bowls containing tasty morsels, arranged at a distance of about 1.50 ml'una other.
Figure 8 without disturbance this exercise requires four cones placed at a distance of about 1.50 ml'uno other.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Strongest Hydrocodone Pill

What is Dog Agility?

Agility is a discipline open to all dogs .
It is dealing with an obstacle course, consisting of 15/20 that, depending on their disposition on the ground, will be more or less complex and more or less rapid in the shortest possible time and with fewer errors possible.
This is a fun activity / educational / sports . Recreational activity because it is an opportunity for recreation for both dog and handler as to why his plays on the game, aimed at improving the educational because 'dog' integration into society by strengthening the relationship between dog and handler, because it is sports a sport It requires speed, accuracy, communication and agility course.
It 's also a discipline that involves a good harmony between the dog and its handler (which is why it is necessary that the participants possess the basic elements of education and obedience) that leads to a perfect agreement between both physically and emotionally involving.

There are three categories of work: The
category "S" (Small) dogs whose size does not exceed 35 cm at the withers
The category "M" (Medium) dogs from 35 cm to 43 cm. The height at the withers
category "L" (Large) dogs over 43 cm at the withers


High Jump:
is a barrier similar to that used in horse shows but of course with smaller dimensions, the height will be adjusted according to weight and height the dog and all 'experience by the same

is a high jump with the only difference being that the hedge is closed by panels

is composed of elements ( 2 to 5) of increasing height to form a long jump. For small dogs elements saranno solo 2 fino ad arrivare a 5 a seconda della taglia del cane


è un salto formato da una ruota fissata ad una struttura tramite catene o corde


è un salto simile ad un muretto infatti sulla parte superiore sono disposti degli elementi amovibili a forma di tegola ed ha uno spessore di 20 cm


è un tavolino sul quale il cane dovrà rimanere per cinque secondi nella posizione di fermo in piedi, seduto o terra


è composta da tre rampe (una ascendente, a horizontal and a descendant) of the width of 30 cm. The dog uphill and downhill with at least one foot must touch the two zones with different coloring called contact zones
axis is the width of 30 cm that will swing through the dog's body weight. This is also a barrier with two contact zones uphill and downhill

consists of two ramps (one ascending and one descending) width of 0.90 m, even in this case are planned two areas of contact.

consists of 8.10 or 12 poles that the dog will face entering the first pole to his left and continuing with the second right and so on

is a very flexible tube with an entrance and a ' output, is also one of the most popular tools from dogs

of the tunnel drive has a rigid arch entrance and exit in fabric or soft plastic

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Coconut Oil Curing Mono


Per appuntamento:

cell: 328 - 58.29.232

e-mail: nicoletta.tartaglia@tele2.it

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gay Hookup Spots Toronto


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Friday, April 3, 2009

Encouraging Words For Someone Who Is Stressed Out

Il cane è un animale sociale che come tutti gli animali sociali, compreso l’uomo, ha bisogno di vivere in un gruppo che oggi può identificarsi con la famiglia nella quale viene accolto e che possiamo definire un “branco misto” perché formato da individui appartenenti a specie diverse. Non dimentichiamo so that the social dog is a need for species to be respected in the construction of a proper relationship with our loyal friend and do not forget also that a report provides an emotional exchange of dialogue (based on the box) and always bilateral (by both). In fact, for a relationship should be a communication and it requires at least three factors, an issuer, a recipient and a message and only when an individual does something that causes a change in the behavior of another individual, in a non-accidental , it means that the two, at that time, they are talking. Dogs communicate with all your senses : Sight, hearing, touch and smell, hence the importance of learning to understand the signals that we send for example through vocalizations, facial expressions, postures of the body ...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Angel Fershgenet Ethiopian

Zaia Review by Cristina, Elena Panataro customer. Review by Edward

"My name is Cristina Zaia. Panataro is Elena and 'dealt with the sale of my apartment. This time of economic recession certainly beats' long and complicated negotiations, but real estate returns , so perfect, professionalism ', the commitment, the human characteristics of Helen, and speaks volumes about his gifts to 360 degrees in real estate. When it comes to excellence must know how to put into play and comunicarlo.Noi Italians (and let's face it!) Lamentone we are and we are always ready to write complaints and nothing else. We often forget that it makes sense to be able to look above all things, and report positive or rather positive about people who do their job with simplicity, 'professionalism', efficiency, respect and humanity '. "