Il cane è un animale sociale che come tutti gli animali sociali, compreso l’uomo, ha bisogno di vivere in un gruppo che oggi può identificarsi con la famiglia nella quale viene accolto e che possiamo definire un “branco misto” perché formato da individui appartenenti a specie diverse. Non dimentichiamo so that the social dog is a need for species to be respected in the construction of a proper relationship with our loyal friend and do not forget also that a report provides an emotional exchange of dialogue (based on the box) and always bilateral (by both). In fact, for a relationship should be a communication and it requires at least three factors, an issuer, a recipient and a message and only when an individual does something that causes a change in the behavior of another individual, in a non-accidental , it means that the two, at that time, they are talking. Dogs communicate with all your senses : Sight, hearing, touch and smell, hence the importance of learning to understand the signals that we send for example through vocalizations, facial expressions, postures of the body ...