Ladies and gentlemen, I want to share with you reading a book by Napoleon Hill: 365 Meditations to make every day a success!
I should start by January 1, well let's pretend that May 1 is il primo di gennaio. Oggi vi scrivo i primi 5 giorni di gennaio e da martedì uno per giorno. (Quasi come l'oroscopo giornaliero).
GENNAIO Tratti del carattere
- L'AFFIDABILITA' E' LA PRIMA PIETRA SU CUISI FONDA IL BUON CARATTERE . Le persone di carattere fanno quello che dicono che faranno, rispettando tempi e modalità. I leader sono gli individui a cui gli altri si rivolgono per ottenere una guida, perchè hanno saputo dimostrare che sanno preoccuparsi per gli altri e che si può aver fiducia in loro. Se avete abbastanza rispetto di voi stessi per mantenere i vostri impegni, anche quando non conviene, gli altri vi rispetterenno. L'affidabilità, come qualunque altro tratto Character is a habit. Start today inizioo of a new year, to develop the practical aspects; difficilemantenere are postponed or if your schedule, start with small steps: promettetevi, for example, that today you will be punctual and organizzateil your time to be, you will get which will then be easier manatenere the other commitments.
- YOUR CHARACTER SEEN BY PEOPLE WHO FREQUENT. As the saying goes "Any such loves his neighbor." Usually we choose our friends and business partners who share our interests and our values. If allows choosing mates happy, positive and productive, it is likely soon diventeretevoi same happy, positive and productive, while people unhappy, negative and destructive certainly saddened too. Try to spend as much time with people who have a Positive Mental Attitude (AMP). If your work forces you to spend time with negative people, do not let this discourage you with their negativity, in fact, show your AMP we focus on disseminating it to them.
- your reputation and 'THAT' THE PEOPLE THINK OF YOU, YOUR CHARACTER AND 'THAT' THAT YOU ARE. Certainly you want your reputation and your character are the same, but you have to focus on character. In fact you can even get to a certain periodoa ingannre others about who you really are, but it rarely lasts long. To make sure that your character and your reputation are the same, you have to live your life so that anything that can embarrass you if you were on the first page of the newspaper. Having good character means never to take moral shortcuts, even if all others do, good character is built because it is doing the right thing to do.
- ALL EXPRESS AND YOU THOUGHT 'A PIECE OF YOUR CHARACTER. Thoughts are things that you express any thoughts, good or bad, is a form of energy that can influence those who receive it. But more importantly is that your thoughts affect yourself, you become the most things you think and if you think success, put your mind to the pursuit of success and attracting a lot. If you think back all'insuccessoe despair, we guarantee you always desperate. To keep your mind focused in a positive direction, when you start to feel the mood on the way, and strive consciously decide to eliminate all negative thoughts and replace them with their positive counterparts.
- the strong character 'YOUR INCOME MORE' IMPORTANT, BECAUSE 'IT TO' THE POTERE DI CAVALCARE LE EMERGENZE DELLA VITA INVECE DI LASCIARTI TRAVOLGERE DA ESSE. Senza un AMP la vita potrebbe essere descritta come un lungo periodo di incertezza, interrotto da occasionali emergenze che scuotono il profondo del proprio essere. Le emergenze possono essere finanziarie, personali o di salute, ma ogniuna dev'essere affrontata separatamente e rapidamente. Il modo più sicuro per trattare qualunque crisi è concentrarsi sulle soluzioni, non sulle probabili cause del problema o su chi debba esserne incolpato. Effettuate una veloce valutazione dei danni, prendetevi tutto il tempo per pensare alle alternative e alle conseguenze, trovate la soluzine migliore e realizzatela ; se affrontate le emergenze della vita quando occur, you will be a stronger and better person because you look straight in the eye and defeats.
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