Monday, February 28, 2011

Bowlercade Instructions

Le Sporche Dozzine 2010!!! - part IV

Domenica 27 febbraio 2011 è andata in onda la quarta puntata dedicata al countdown delle Sporche Dozzine, ovvero i 12 dichi 12 che più ci sono piaciuti, fra quelli usciti nel 2010...

...ecco allora cosa abbiamo suonato per voi

La Sporca Dozzina di Simone

2. GIL SCOTT-HERON - Me and the Devil, da I'm New Here , xl 2010

1. THE BLACK ANGELS - River of Blood, da Phosphene Dream , blu horizon 2010

La Sporca Dozzina di Vanes

2. PETER GABRIEL - Street Spirit (Fade Out), da SCRATCH MY BACK, real world 2010

1. THE BLACK ANGELS - Haunting At 1300 McKinley, from Phosphene Dream , blue horizon 2010

The first excluded

- ALVA NOTO / Blixa Bargeld - One by Mimikry , raster noton de 2010

-  ARCADE FIRE - Suburban War, da The Suburbs ,  merge 2010

Ristampe, compilazioni, etc...

- THE DREAM SYNDICATE - John Coltrane Stereo Blues, by Medicine Show , water 2010 (reissue with bonus tracks of the original, a & m 1984)

What Do Periods Look Like

Incontro con Marche Multiservizi 2A

Reserved for 2 A. Meeting with Marchemultiservizi.

Riportareb here the report of the meeting dedicated to the collection next to Fermoy.
Good Job.

Prof Dini

Break Out After Brazilian

A. Camilleri - Il birraio di Preston [1995]

Of course, reading Camilleri, that his greatest literary pleasure, recounting the events of the Sicilian province (true facts on which to plot and weaves fiction, and so simple in themselves if they were not just from being tangled in Sicily), is to bring the dialogue alive. It is a pleasure si comunica immediatamente al lettore, per la particolare forza comica dell'arte di Camilleri; ma assieme al piacere, poiché il linguaggio è la casa dell'essere, e con la stessa forza e immediatezza si comunica una specie di nucleo di verità dell'essere siciliano. L'iperbole e il paradosso della battuta, cui corrispondono l'amara coscienza dell'assurdo in cui siamo e il dolore sordo dell'immutabilità di questa condizione. Camilleri inventa poco delle vicende che trasforma sulla pagina in vorticosi caroselli di persone e fatti - qui il fatto vero, conosciuto dalla celebre Inchiesta sulla condizioni della Sicilia del 1875-76 , è il susseguirsi di intrighi, delitti e tumulti seguiti alla incomprensibile determinazione del Prefect of Caltanissetta, the Tuscan Bortuzzo, to inaugurate the theater of Caltanissetta with an unknown opera, The brewer Preston. And stick to the bottom of this historical truth there is probably a precise meaning: in Sicily do not need to wait for history will repeat itself for the farce. History, for the Sicilians, is now in his first appearance with the face of violent and absurd farce.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Did Taylor Lautner Had Braces

LC - Meter #8

shows a photograph of the completion of Capas LC Meter Stefano : mounting in the container is a bit 'spartan, but the operation is still guaranteed and satisfactory.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gratis Dowload Peliculas En Espanol

Le Sporche Dozzine 2010!!! - part III

Sunday, February 20, 2011 aired the third episode dedicated to the countdown of the Dirty Dozen, the 12 or 12 that thou speakest the more we liked them, among those released in 2010 ...

here ... so what we played for you

The Dirty Dozen Simone

5. Thee Silver Mt Zion Memorial Orchestra-I Built Myself a Metal Bird, the Kollaps Tradixionales , 2010 Constellation

4. DIRTMUSIC - Collision of BKO , 2010 glitterhouse

3. Pontiak - This Is Living, Living by , Thrill Jockey 2010

2. GIL SCOTT-HERON - Your Soul and Mine, by I'm New Here, xl 2010

The Dirty Dozen Vanes
5. BETTYE LAVETTE - Nights in White Satin, da Interpretations: The British Rock Songbook , anti 2010

4. THE CHIEFTAINS (featuring Ry Cooder) - March To Battle (Across The Rio Grande) , da San Patricio , hear music 2010

3. GIANT SAND - Love a Loser, da Blurry Blue Mountain , fire records 2010

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Myammee I Love Money Nipple

J. Fante - Una moglie per Dino Rossi [1940]

And 'This is the second of John Fante's literary season in Italy. The first occurred in the late thirties and forties, when her short stories appeared in magazines and, above all, the collection of the Medusa published his two most famous novels, "The path in the dust," in the translation of Vittorini, and "Wait Until Spring, Bandini." Then silence, which corresponded to the neglect of America Fante, absorbed by the Hollywood writer's career, until the 'discovery' by Charles Bukowski and the new book "Dreams from Bunker Hill, 82, a year before the death. The myth of America, che Vittorini coltivò, Fante rappresentava la parte italiana, della seconda generazione di immigrati; e di questa letteratura, da massimo esponente, il versante forse più ironico e sognante, ma sempre 'dalla strada'. Ne presentiamo tre saggi, tre racconti dalla raccolta "Dago Red" (1940). E ci sembrano non smentire una discendenza che William Saroyan rintracciò da Mark Twain: per il modo di trattare giochi e drammi di ragazzi, di inscenare rudezze e sentimenti, angosce e comicità nella comunità italiana d'America. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Powerpoint A3templates

Presentazione di Swingin' Bulaggna

From left: Sandra Toni, Lori Macchiavelli, the authors (Simone Colantonio and Vanes Poluzzi) and the moderator Alberto Sebastiani

Tuesday February 15, the Feltrinelli di Piazza Ravegnana in Bologna, Simone and Vanes presented Swingin 'Bulåggna ... here some photos and movies (which are made from very valuable Sandra Baldassini) ; for the evening ...

Sandro Luciano and Toni Leoneans

Sandro Franco Beccari and Carotta (Judas)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Get Hd With Dish Network Tv2

J.K. Galbraith - L'economia della truffa [2004]

John Galbraith, collaboratore di Roosevelt ai tempi del New Deal, consigliere economico e amico di John F. Kennedy e allievo di Keynes, affronta in questo saggio il tema della truffa "fisiologica" che è ormai penetrata nell'economia legale. Il terreno d'elezione di quella che Galbraith definisce "frode innocente" - perché ormai accettata sia da chi la compie sia da chi la subisce - sono le grandi corporation, che appartengono alla massa degli azionisti, ma in pratica sono governate esclusivamente dai manager, che deformano a loro vantaggio le regole della gestione aziendale. Quelle che vengono presentate come leggi dell'economia in realtà sono convenzioni plasmate dagli interessi in gioco.

Pittsburgh Driver License Question

Ben Ormenese

Sebbene sia un artista schivo e riservato, lontano dai frastuoni, sometimes sclerotic, contemporary culture, Ben Ormenese during his long career he has always worked tirelessly, dedicating his life to art. Refined and cultured man, he produced sculptures, paintings and "painter-sculpture" by which, thanks to its flexibility, its technical capacity and use of many different types of colors and materials (wood, cardboard, and strip , perspex, etc.) has explored the themes of art that path and the most involved. Stand out, among others, the dynamism, the bright, light effects to and from work, the colors of the pigments, the relationship between second and third dimension, the ratio of full vacuum, plasticismo.Ricercatore the imaginative, witty, complex and tireless, always the over stretched, Ormenese during his intellectual activity has always maintained without some modes, both from his innate ability both from his previous biography, which have always distinguished : first of all the planning that focuses on the possibilities of implementation and enforcement, the versatility needed for the interpenetration of techniques and materials, harmony, understood as the agreement rate of the tensions generated by the colors, lines, shapes and materials that make up the various elements of creation, the reference to an architectural geometry perceived as systematic for the formal construction and structural work, the extreme equilibrium, interpreted as a single body, organic structure, resulting from the internal compensation of the individual features, the dialogue natural and artificially constructed within the work itself and space that surrounds it. The work of art therefore Ormense is not a place where a person is substantiated, but the real subject, in which the relationship between space, light, form and structure are, firstly, excuse for analysis by 'another, the resources required to construct the building itself. These modes of operation give rise to actual cycles of experiments in which Ormernse investigates a particular issue in an analytical until the latter is not satisfied, as evidenced by the series of "fluctuations" and "theater". Just one of these pathways is central theme at issue in this exhibition in Marcon, in conjunction with the retrospective exhibition at the Museums of Santa Caterina in Treviso, 13 November 2010. The works on display, always imbued with eurythmy balanced and proportionate, if interpreted in metaphor, are transformed into a narrative with plot which shows not a single story but a collection of subjective and objective events that coexist in the same space and time. This chorus, expanding on the story because it lacks a beginning and an end, allows the viewer to accept a reading capable by all the detail and vice versa, and thus become masters of their own visual and interpretive trail. To give life to his original creations, Ormenese alongside this particular narrative kind to use an eclectic writing tool: the knife. The latter, in the master's hand, moving with surgical skill, carving, line, and tears the black support, bringing out the underlying material of different pigmentation. This "calligraphy" is sometimes taken by the intaglio print and sometimes sculptural, makes it possible to create shapes and figures made of a solid color stretch to enhance the expressive figure of the "written" and therefore make it even more compelling in the eyes of the observer.

Siro Perin

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Ever Happen To Some Of Soul Train Dancers

W. Faulkner - Il borgo [1940]

The Frenchman's Bend is an area twenty miles southeast of Jefferson, Missouri, divided "into many small farms mortgaged and miserable", with the cotton and maize on the valley floor to higher ground. Dominus of the place is Will Varner, the landlord-moneylender from "hard and shining eyes," owner of the school, church, emporium and thirty houses. And its emanations or branches seem all those around him: his son Jody, healthy thyroid closed in an 'inviolable air of celibacy, "the Dionysian Eula's daughter, who combines beauty and elegance of a "violent and immune perversity," tenants by the schoolmaster, the blacksmith at the sewing machine salesman. But this microcosm of the balance - between sowing and rimondature, baptisms and singing - is nourished by the ruthlessness of elementary drives: sex, money, aggressività.E William Faulkner once again draws us into a narrative flow where the masterly historical representation (no he knows how to return the anthropology of South America in the years following the Depression) is interwoven with the size-mythical nature, in a plot of formidable power - that mysterious power that is the unmistakable marchio del grande scrittore.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Diy Flatbed Scanner Transparency Adapter

Paper Model - Nissan R390 GT1

Posto con soddisfazione alcune foto dell'ultimo elemento della Scuderia del Capaso : questo bel modello di Nissan R390 GT1 che ha gareggiato nelle 24h di Le Mans. Il papermodel ritrae l'originale in scala 1:24 e risulta lungo circa  25cm , sono solamente 3 fogli A4 ed il montaggio non comporta particolari difficoltà. Rispetto al progetto originale ho aggiunto solamente gli specchietti e l'antennina. I disegni sono scaricabili direttamente dal sito della  Nissan e anche Wikipedia dedica un topic a questa autovettura. Con dei ritagli di stampe di vari materiali ho realizzato un bel piedistallo per ospitare ed esporre il modello.