Monday, December 29, 2008

Encouraging Words For My Brother

Social & Communication Education, Training and Rehabilitation

L ' Education , the ' Training and Rehabilitation are based on the study of dog psychology : an applied science (and therefore time for practical purposes) that is to study the behavior of the domestic dog and then dog in relation to living with humans.
I would do a bit of clarity on these terms that, in some cases (such as education-training) vengono utilizzati addirittura come sinonimi.

Educare significa impartire tutti quegli insegnamenti che consentono al proprietario ed al suo cane una serena convivenza nella vita di tutti i giorni.
Così con l’ “Educazione di Base” si insegnano al proprietario dei comandi principali come il "seduto", il "terra", il "resta", la condotta al guinzaglio, il "vieni" (richiamo)… utili per una gestione del cane nella vita quotidiana . Ma naturalmente viene anche insegnato al proprietario come relazionarsi in modo corretto con il proprio cane tenendo conto del suo diverso way to communicate.
And what does the dog trainer, play, ultimately, 'the prevention or correction of incorrect attitudes regarding the relationship between man and dog, in order to avoid the development of real behavioral problems !

means able and ready to make . So through the training it is "ready" to give effect to the dog as required. Then, as taught in training
falls in the 'Advanced Education "which includes a complex series of teachings such as the carry, the conduct at the foot ... As taught in disciplines such as 'Obedience ", the" Rally Obedience', the "Agility", disciplines, however, in pursuit of a closer cooperation and understanding between dog and owner ... and how to teach dogs of Public Utilities (for eg. those used for search and rescue) or Assistance Dogs for people with disabilities (eg. those for the deaf, the blind ...) or signal dogs (those who experience or are seeking such help. in case of seizure).

You can add that with the Education and Training asked the dog to perform movements that are natural, using what it does (so-called Natural Method ), eg. The seating position is a natural and expected, partial, rest. Something quite different, however, is the ' teach the dog that means to run movements and attitudes that are not natural, eg. walking with only the hind legs.

Also remember that a dog trained not necessarily be educated ... so education is preparatory training!

reeducate , finally, means acting on a behavior problem more or less severe (eg. Aggression toward people or other dogs, the dog's difficulty in being alone at home, fears or phobias, anxiety , stereotyped behaviors and obsessive ...) through a medical history, a diagnosis and prognosis, by an expert in behavioral re-education, leading to resolution of the problem and therefore inappropriate behavior. With behavioral therapy is reached by going to investigate the reasons behind the behavior so that you can modify (in some cases, the simplest in fact, simply lack the knowledge of our friend).


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