Saturday, December 27, 2008

Weird Funny Baby Names

Dog Problem and Method Gentile

The Dog Problem " is one that shows a behavior does not match the expectations of the owner and the reasons for this discomfort, so for the owner, but also for the dog, may be the most varied. But surely at the root of these is the ' misunderstanding between the two that fail to understand ... to communicate!

The Method "Gentile" is the correct method to use in education and training of the dog! Unlike the method of coercion, which is based on fear and punishment, uses reward (prize) form of food, attention or play when the dog shows behavior welcome, tending to ignore the incorrect answers and unwanted.
In this way, relying on something nice and not on fear, the dog is motivated to implement the desired behavior, in other words, to cooperate fully and voluntarily with his master.
Method Gentile, then, as a condition in dogs innate motivation to implement and maintain those behaviors over time from which it draws all of the benefits and not prevede alcuna forma di coercizione nell'apprendimento.
La ricompensa è dunque lo strumento chiave dell'apprendimento con il Metodo Gentile e rappresenta sia lo stimolo per accendere la motivazione del cane sia il rinforzo per il comportamento corretto.
Ricorda che… la punizione non ha nulla a che fare con l’apprendimento , non cambia la motivazione per effettuare un certo comportamento, quindi non insegna niente ma può soltanto inibire, condurre alla lotta, alla paura, al senso d’impotenza, all’evitamento o alla fuga… di conseguenza non è possibile prevedere l’effetto della punizione.
Ricorda anche che... il cane non deve temere il suo padrone ma deve rispettarlo and it must be able to trust him! And Finally ... a proper report to the base with respect, trust, friendship and mutual loyalty!


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