Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mount And Blade Trainers 1.003

autocorrezione verifica classe 3 A

Class 3 A Self-verification
remember that among the objectives of autocorrezione c'è quello di obbligarvi a rileggere e ripassare gli argomenti già fatti; utilizzate quindi il quaderno, le lezioni sul sito, la tabella dei parametri per rispondere correttamente, in maniera completa ed estesa; qui non devono essere date risposte secche a tutte le domande.
Buon lavoro. Prof. Dini
  1. I 5 Parametri e relativi simboli                                                                         10
  2. What are the effects of current and make the relevant examples ; 8
  3. Write the two particles that make up the nucleus of the atom . What is the task of that no electrical charge ;                                                             2
  4. From Ohm's Law write the formula of the resistance (fb and fd) ; 2
  5. From resistance of a conductor ; obtained resistivity "r (fb and fd) ; 2
  6. From Ohm's law what can we say than U of R ; 1
  7. What Is the third ring of the color code for resistors ; 1
  8. Express which is the worst metal conductor. ; 1
  9. From the formula of power writing the conclusion by substituting I = U / R 1 In the series
  10. di più resistenze chi è che non varia                                                     1
  11. Come si ricava la R tot. di un circuito in parallelo.                                                          1
  12. Nel parallelo quale è la resistenza con la I più grande                                     2
  13. Nel circuito elettrico come si collega il voltmetro; spiega cosa significa                         2
  14. Come vengono chiamati gli strumenti con i numeri               1
  15. What has the particularity kilocalorie                                                 1
  16. ENEL
  17. what we pay in units ; ; 1
  18. Three resistors are connected in parallel 14 W, 24 W , 56 W , what can you say about the result and why ;                                                             2
Tot 39, 19 / 5, 23 / 6, 27 / 7, 31 / 8 , 35 / 9, 39/10

  1. The 5 parameters and related units di misura                                                  
  2. 10 indicates an electrical current for each effect 8
  3. The atom from the electrical point of view as it is called and what it means ; 2
  4. From Ohm's Law write the formula of the current (fb and fd) 2
  5. From resistance of a conductor gets the length "l" (fb and fd) ; ; 2
  6. From Ohm's law, what about the current with respect to resistance 1
  7. As you know the value of the first color code for resistors ; 1
  8. Express which is the best conductor ever. ;             1
  9. Dalla formula della potenza scrivi la conclusione sostituendo U=RI                1
  10. Nel parallelo di più resistenze chi è che non varia                 1
  11. As shown in the R tot. a series circuit,                                                 1
  12. in the series which is the resistance with the largest U ; 2
  13. in the circuit as you connect the ammeter, explains What does 2
  14. as they are called the instruments with the hands ; ; 1
  15. What has the particularity kilocalories. ; ; 1
  16. How do you measure the energy ; ;                                                             1
  17. Tre resistenze sono collegate in parallelo 18 W ,18 W ,18 W ; cosa puoi dire del risultato e perché             2

Tot. 39; 19/5; 23/6; 27/7; 31/8; 35/9; 39/10


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