remember that among the goals of self-correction is to force you to review and revise the arguments already made, then use the notebook, the lessons on the site, the parameter table to answer correctly, complete and extensive, there should not be given dried answers to all questions.
Good job. Prof. Dini
- The 5 parameters and their symbols 10
- Quali sono gli effetti della corrente e fai i relativi esempi 8
- Scrivi le due particelle che compongono il nucleo dell’atomo. Quale è the task of the office without electricity 2
- Dalla Legge di Ohm scrivi la formula della resistenza (f.b e fd) 2
- Dalla resistenza di un conduttore ricava la resistività “ r ” (fb e fd) 2
- Dalla legge di Ohm cosa possiamo dire della U rispetto R 1
- What Is the third ring of the color code for resistors ; 1
- Express which is the worst metal conductor. ; 1
- From the formula of power writing the conclusion by substituting I = U / R 1 In the series
- Who is more resistance that does not vary ; ; 1
- As shown in the R tot. of a parallel circuit. ; 1
- In parallel with the resistance which is the largest 2
- Nel circuito elettrico come si collega il voltmetro; spiega cosa significa 2
- Come vengono chiamati gli strumenti con i numeri 1
- What has the particularity kilocalorie 1 ENEL
- what we pay in units ; ; 1
- Three resistors are connected in parallel 14 W, 24 W , 56 W , what can you say about the result and why ; 2
- I 5 Parametri e relative unità Measuring ; ;
- 10 indicates an electrical current for each effect 8
- The atom from the electrical point of view as it is called and what it means ; 2
- From Ohm's Law write the formula of the current (fb and fd) 2
- Dalla resistenza di un conduttore ricava la lunghezza “l” (fb e fd) 2
- From Ohm's law, what about the current with respect to resistance 1
- As you know the value of the first color code for resistors ; 1
- Express which is the best conductor ever. ; 1
- Dalla formula della potenza scrivi la conclusione sostituendo U=RI 1
- Nel parallelo di più resistenze chi è che non varia 1
- As shown in the R tot. a series circuit, 1
- in the series which is the resistance with the largest U ; 2
- in the circuit as you connect the ammeter, explains What does 2
- as they are called the instruments with the hands ; ; 1
- What has the particularity kilocalories. ; ; 1
- Come si misura l’energia 1
- Three resistors are connected in parallel 18 W , 18 W, 18 W , what can you say about the result and why ; 2
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