Monday, December 29, 2008

Encouraging Words For My Brother

Social & Communication Education, Training and Rehabilitation

L ' Education , the ' Training and Rehabilitation are based on the study of dog psychology : an applied science (and therefore time for practical purposes) that is to study the behavior of the domestic dog and then dog in relation to living with humans.
I would do a bit of clarity on these terms that, in some cases (such as education-training) vengono utilizzati addirittura come sinonimi.

Educare significa impartire tutti quegli insegnamenti che consentono al proprietario ed al suo cane una serena convivenza nella vita di tutti i giorni.
Così con l’ “Educazione di Base” si insegnano al proprietario dei comandi principali come il "seduto", il "terra", il "resta", la condotta al guinzaglio, il "vieni" (richiamo)… utili per una gestione del cane nella vita quotidiana . Ma naturalmente viene anche insegnato al proprietario come relazionarsi in modo corretto con il proprio cane tenendo conto del suo diverso way to communicate.
And what does the dog trainer, play, ultimately, 'the prevention or correction of incorrect attitudes regarding the relationship between man and dog, in order to avoid the development of real behavioral problems !

means able and ready to make . So through the training it is "ready" to give effect to the dog as required. Then, as taught in training
falls in the 'Advanced Education "which includes a complex series of teachings such as the carry, the conduct at the foot ... As taught in disciplines such as 'Obedience ", the" Rally Obedience', the "Agility", disciplines, however, in pursuit of a closer cooperation and understanding between dog and owner ... and how to teach dogs of Public Utilities (for eg. those used for search and rescue) or Assistance Dogs for people with disabilities (eg. those for the deaf, the blind ...) or signal dogs (those who experience or are seeking such help. in case of seizure).

You can add that with the Education and Training asked the dog to perform movements that are natural, using what it does (so-called Natural Method ), eg. The seating position is a natural and expected, partial, rest. Something quite different, however, is the ' teach the dog that means to run movements and attitudes that are not natural, eg. walking with only the hind legs.

Also remember that a dog trained not necessarily be educated ... so education is preparatory training!

reeducate , finally, means acting on a behavior problem more or less severe (eg. Aggression toward people or other dogs, the dog's difficulty in being alone at home, fears or phobias, anxiety , stereotyped behaviors and obsessive ...) through a medical history, a diagnosis and prognosis, by an expert in behavioral re-education, leading to resolution of the problem and therefore inappropriate behavior. With behavioral therapy is reached by going to investigate the reasons behind the behavior so that you can modify (in some cases, the simplest in fact, simply lack the knowledge of our friend).

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Gay Cruising In Long Island Ny

Montenegro, customer purchasing Elena Panataro. The breakdown of service charges

" Elena was able to lead Panataro negotiation that allowed me to buy a house with balance, discretion and professionalism. His tips and comprehensive answers to my questions and my doubts have made the buying process simple and secure. To unquestionable professional competence Elena sum strong interpersonal skills, which enable it to give confidence to their stakeholders. "Edoardo Montenegro.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Weird Funny Baby Names

Dog Problem and Method Gentile

The Dog Problem " is one that shows a behavior does not match the expectations of the owner and the reasons for this discomfort, so for the owner, but also for the dog, may be the most varied. But surely at the root of these is the ' misunderstanding between the two that fail to understand ... to communicate!

The Method "Gentile" is the correct method to use in education and training of the dog! Unlike the method of coercion, which is based on fear and punishment, uses reward (prize) form of food, attention or play when the dog shows behavior welcome, tending to ignore the incorrect answers and unwanted.
In this way, relying on something nice and not on fear, the dog is motivated to implement the desired behavior, in other words, to cooperate fully and voluntarily with his master.
Method Gentile, then, as a condition in dogs innate motivation to implement and maintain those behaviors over time from which it draws all of the benefits and not prevede alcuna forma di coercizione nell'apprendimento.
La ricompensa è dunque lo strumento chiave dell'apprendimento con il Metodo Gentile e rappresenta sia lo stimolo per accendere la motivazione del cane sia il rinforzo per il comportamento corretto.
Ricorda che… la punizione non ha nulla a che fare con l’apprendimento , non cambia la motivazione per effettuare un certo comportamento, quindi non insegna niente ma può soltanto inibire, condurre alla lotta, alla paura, al senso d’impotenza, all’evitamento o alla fuga… di conseguenza non è possibile prevedere l’effetto della punizione.
Ricorda anche che... il cane non deve temere il suo padrone ma deve rispettarlo and it must be able to trust him! And Finally ... a proper report to the base with respect, trust, friendship and mutual loyalty!

Funny Dates On The Calendar

Who is the dog trainer? Curriculum Vitae

is the one who takes care of help owners to establish a proper relationship with your dog so as to live in harmony both in a social context (eg. The city).
And it is through basic education that the dog trainer to manage the dog properly and comply with its requirements and those of the owner, thus helping to understand the common features of species-specific features of their partner. The work of the instructor
dog is based, therefore, on the assumption that a sound approach with your dog can avoid those misunderstandings can be felt between two people belonging to different species.

And you have a good relationship with your dog?
Sai communicate with him?
Eg. return the call? ... pulls on the leash? Sa ... relate to other dogs? And with people?

Consulting :
- Management of the dog (food, games, activities, spaces, social contact, attitudes, reactions ...)
- Separation anxiety

Basic Education
(recall, conducted on a leash, basic commands ...)

And remember ... if you have a puppy ... "prevention is better than cure!"

Resident Evil Veronica Open Which Drawer

born in Rome on 14/03/78
RESIDENT to Ostia Lido

March 2006

Start volunteering Volunteers at the Kennel Association of Portaportese (AVCPP) which manages the City of Rome from 1997 Doghouse

June 2007

course of introduction to the AAA-TAA-assisted by EAA ' Animal Aiuchi

September 2007

Beginning of cooperation at the municipal kennel Muratella projects of Animal Assisted Activities and Education Assistant to Animals

February 2008

technical and practical training Home ANUCSS for "Operator in Pet Therapy - Activities, Therapy, Education with animals with the help of the Dog, for a total of 80 hours

September 2008

Top theoretical and practical training for "Instructor Cinofilo" organized at the Centre Cinofilo "The Dog Standard" for A total of 120 hours

March 2009

Stage two days on the 'separation anxiety' held at the Centre Cinofilo "The Dog Norma

April 2009

Top theoretical and practical training for "Instructor of Agility" held at the Centre Cinofilo "The Dog" standards in collaboration with the Center Cinofilo "Red Cloud" for a total of 32 hours

July 2009

Achievement titles CNS LIBERTAS Technician III level and Technical Educator Cinofilo Instructor Level I Cinofilo specialty Agility

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Directional Bible Quotes

Here is the crux of the matter. The nest of wasps and hornets is there! Feel like ronzano.Chi pays expenses and repairs? But what repairs? During a lease several issues may arise between landlord and tenant on the allocation of the costs and repairs.
The owner will try to shift all costs to the tenant. He lives in the house and therefore must pay all his expenses on services as well as on this riparazioni.Ma tenants are not so much agree. The infamous law 392/78 on the fair fees, partially repealed, art. 9 says that, unless otherwise agreed, the costs to the tenant spaces are those listed in the first comma.Legge 27/07/1978 No 392. 9 - Transaction costs.
are paid by the tenant, unless otherwise agreed, the costs of the cleaning, operation and routine maintenance of the lift, the water supply, electricity, heating and air conditioning , to clean wells and latrines blacks, as well as the provision of other common services.
The costs for the concierge service are charged to the tenant as much as 90 percent, unless the parties have agreed to a lesser extent.
Payment must be made within two months of application. Before making the payment the tenant has the right to be informed of specific charges in the preceding paragraphs with reference to the principles of distribution. The tenant has the right to inspect the documents of expenditure.
charges in the first paragraph charged by the landlord to the tenant shall be construed fees ancillary to the lease and pursuant to article 12 of Presidential Decree of 26 October 1972, n. 633.
The provision in the fourth subparagraph shall not apply where services ancillary to the lease to be provided for their special nature and characteristics related a specific business activity of the lessor and constitute the subject of an independent contract to provide services stessi.La phrase "unless otherwise agreed" is interpreted by some case law only to the conductor and this correlates with the annulment of Article sanctioned. 79, Law No 392/78.Quindi, the agreement to the contrary is only legitimate if it makes the responsibility of the owner landlord of recoverable costs more than the charges laid down by art. 9 citato.Però over the recent decisions have modified the previous policy and could accept agreed upon by the tenant tenant a list of recoverable costs above that specified in the said Article. 9.How do you see there is no uniformity, non c'è una regola precisa da seguire nella ripartizione delle spese.In generale si può affermare che le spese ripetibili come luce, gas, pulizia, acqua, ecc. sono a carico dell'inquilino.Mentre sono a carico del proprietario le spese per nuovi impianti come per esempio la costruzione della fognatura, l'installazione di una antenna parabolica, l'installazione di un videocitofono, ecc.Chiaramente si può derogare, per esempio se l'inquilino chiede al proprietario l'installazione dell'antenna parabolica perché vuole vedere RAISAT. Il proprietario gli puo' anche dire: aggiustati e pagatela. Se però l'installazione viene imposta da una delibera di condominio, allora non vale più il discorso di prima.Il compenso dell'amministratore is no charge to the holder, being an agent of the administrator only condominiums, owners of a property right relating to the common areas and services of the housing itself, but the lease can be established to divide the spending between 50% parties because the administrator performs a service for which it also benefits the tenant. ampianto The TV antenna is instead paid by the landlord as well as expenses for the purchase and installation of new plants, but the cost of management and maintenance are charged to the conduttore.Per regarding security expenditure on the building, it was considered that the costs be shared equally between tenant and landlord is permitted although the case law on this point is not entirely concorde.Le costs for the concierge service are charged to the tenant as much as 90%, unless special arrangements to return for a percentage inferiore.Il lift ropes are spending entirely responsibility of the tenant (Supreme Court May 8, 1986, n. 2426). The kind
riparazioniIn Routine maintenance such as a leaky faucet, the rope of the roller worn out, replace the electrical resistance of the water heater, etc.. compete tenant. The cost of repair rather extraordinary to compete proprietario.Ma what are the costs of maintenance and routine maintenance such as those? The landlord must provide the owner the maintenance of rented property in good state of conservation according to the agreed use and ensure the peaceful enjoyment of the tenant during the lease pursuant to art. 1575 of the Civil Code and provide for repairs necessarie.Restano except for minor maintenance (art. 1576 Civil Code.) Provided by art. 1609, Civil Code, which are due not to age or accident, but a deterioration derived from the use of things that need to be subjected to routine maintenance (and then somebody explain how do you distinguish the deterioration due to age from that due use) and remain the tenant conduttore.La assessment category of small repair and re-appreciation of the court of merito.Non compete to host the repairs, even minor maintenance and related facilities within the structure of the building (eg water pipes embedded in the walls). There is therefore no precise rules for which the expenditure pay the landlord and the tenant pays the other, but the guidance is set. Much also depends on what the lease says, and its tipologia.Noi idea that we should agree. For example, if the tenant requests the installation of gas boiler to replace the electric one that does not mean it uneconomical to repair. You may decide to split the fare at 50% each. It 'a solution, but you can find other by mutual accordo.Inoltre should enter into the lease a call to one of the many tables of distribution expenditure approved by the respective trade associations of property and tenants and are mainly the two parties agree to avoid litigation fututri about who should bear a certain cost.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Gay Cruising Portland Oregon


Roe Street, between Via Frejus and Peschiera apartment of a bedroom, kitchen and bathroom furnished, suitable for those who want to invest money. The purchase and we'll manage to let, guaranteed rental, rent guaranteed by the proximity of the University.
Non hai tutti i soldi?
Pensi sia difficile?
Lo sai che facendo un mutuo lo puoi affittare?
Lo affitti e te lo dimentichi!!
Chiamami, sono disponibili a darti tutta la consulenza necessaria all'acquisto e alla locazione, mettendo a disposizione la mia esperienza ventennale. Consulenza finanziaria e legale.
RE/MAX Avvenire Via Alberto Nota, 5 011.4310552

Create My Own Drivers License

C. CASALE, bilevel FOR SALE!

Stai cercando un appartamento ai piedi della precollina?

Corso Casale, pressi Via San S. Po, vendesi in stabile di soli tre piani del 1920 completamente rivisto nelle parti comuni nel 2000 (tetto, interno scala, impianti ed ascensore) appartamento su due livelli così composto: al 3°Piano, ingresso living su soggiorno, cucinino, due camere e biservizi, doppia esposizione, due balconi, totale mq 80 commercialica.

Mansarda (con abitabilità) attualmente open space di circa 70 mq con due velux, possibilità di ricavare due camere.

Nel prezzo di vendita sono compresi due box auto con cancello automatico di cui uno è di pertinenza dell'appartamento.Riscaldamento autonomo, impianto di antifurto e aria condizionata.Ottimi materiali.

Walk In Clinic Peaditrician


"Open House " o "Visita Libera" è un sistema innovativo, molto utilizzato in America, che si sta diffondendo in Europa, ed anche in Italia grazie ai Consulenti RE/MAX.
Coloro che desiderano vendere l'immobile decidono di "aprire la casa" ai potenziali acquirenti, in un unico appuntamento, in un giorno da definire, evitando di fissare singoli appuntamenti per ogni visitatore. Tutta la visita "collettiva" si svolge sotto la supervisione di un consulente immobiliare RE/MAX incaricato, supported by colleagues.
Organising an Open House be communicated immediately to the public and therefore to potential buyers of the property, through advertisements on newspapers and magazines in the field, and via an action targeted mailing to potential customers. In addition, appropriate marketing action achieves widespread all estate agents operating in the area. Even estate agents are involved in the competition. Thanks to the Open House the property goes into a much wider network of contacts, greatly increasing the opportunities for its sale. To view the Open House ongoing click here
for home buyers visiting the property without the need to make an appointment, and you can still have the presence of a real estate professional on-site.
Possibility of a second visit of the apartment the same day, without having to fix another appointment. It often happens that one of the spouses to see the property first, and then have the need to set a second date, to allow also the partner of vision.
Possibility of a second visit to the apartment the same day, reducing the risk that the house could be sold with the passage of days.
Benefits Many professionals who sells home
engaged in the same estate sale.
visiting more potential buyers in one day.
Save time by the person who sells the house: with Open House appointments are concentrated in a single day.
guarantee of effective marketing communication to all potential customers in the area. Recall that about 70% of homes are bought by people who already live in the area of \u200b\u200blocation of the property.
Sale of a lot faster.
Increased likelihood of obtaining the required selling price.

Saturday, October 11th!

Elena Panataro
Real Estate Consultant RE / MAX Future Via Alberto Nota, 5 10122 Torino (To ) - Italy

Tel + Fax +39.011.436.80.12 Cell. +39.335.253268

Magellan Homer Simpson

Grande RE / MAX

Headquartered in Denver, Colorado (USA), RE / MAX International Inc., through its franchising formula is now a network with over 121,000 Real Estate Agents in 67 countries worldwide. Founded in 1973 by Dave and Gail Liniger, RE / MAX was the first real estate organization to introduce and develop a successful formula for maximum remuneration of traditional officials (RE / MAX Real Estate Consultants reclassified as) within an agency , a concept that has completely revolutionized the industry. In Italy there is since 1996 and is growing by about 200 agencies in the area and over 1,300 affiliates, each agency RE / MAX is autonomous and independent and each of its affiliates acts as a self- free to develop, plan and conduct its operations staff in the area. According to the Code of Professional Ethics of RE / MAX, put the customer in focus is the "key" to give more value to real estate services in the European market. Customer inquiries RE / MAX are answered more easily and faster times thanks to the innovative MLS (Multiple Listing Service), the common database in which you post your bid to be evaluated by all the Consultants and their customers , not only locally but also nationally and internationally.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hard Rock Hotel Las Vegas

The paradoxical dichotomy Roma at home: The relationship between technical staff and medical

A Trigoria many know the friction between the doctor and Spalletti Brozzi, but until a few months ago could have been a complicated human relationships in complex and diverse organization chart. If, however, will impinge on the players, the situation changes, and a difficult personal relationship going to affect the functionality and stability of the group. What the Roma fans have witnessed the beginning of this season is something unlikely: such a massacre, which hit Mexes, Juan, Pizarro, Baptista, not to mention the convalescent Perrotta Totti and Taddei and gifts of the poor, forced to play spessevolte with multiple pain, you can not be accepted in a corporate environment so important. What should
be the corporate position on this issue?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Learning About Vajinas And How They Look

Goodbye Mr. Red

On the evening of Monday failed the famous Roman singer / songwriter Stefano Rossi, author of acute and especially songs like "A History dishonest" and "The Italian." Stefano Rossi was the father of David Rossi, estimated conductor and artistic director of Sports Network, which turn sincere condolences. The funeral will be held at 11 (not 10 as anticipated by the majority of the press) in the church of S. Maria in Trastevere.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Spreading Genital Herpes To The Nose

Dario Bersani to TeleRadioStereo and Max Light Radio Match: Sports Network as we lose? The Giallorossi

A new season of Sports Network was opened without dell'hanno last two protagonists. Two farewells probably already in the air for some time, especially that of Light. Which appeal o meno, Bersani e lo stesso Leggeri, pur avendo stili diversi, hanno saputo dare una caratterizzazione alla propria figura radiofonica. Il primo con la sua grandissima competenza calcistica, la serietà e i pareri difficilmente frivoli e mai frutto di protagonismo; e per le telecronache con Paglia. Il secondo , Max, con la sua fluente retorica è uno che o si ama o si odia. Ma è fuori dubbio che lo spazio pomeriano con Petrucci era un momento di grande interesse, tra i più seguiti e apprezzati. Un po di protagonismo lo si può contestare a Max che comunque rimane uno adattissimo al mondo radiofonico; senzo nulla togliere al grande Fallica e al ritorno di Castaldo, Rete Sport è un piccolo Microcosmo che può essere paragonato alla stessa Rome. It 's like Giuly and Mancini had gone away without being replaced. So far the situation has been resolved with a mixture of cards, but ace in the deck some more would not hurt, indeed.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Gay Spots On Long Island Ny

Thanks Alessandro De Luca. CLIENT REFERENCES

Alexander has agreed to visit us to talk about his work in RE / MAX. It 'was a great experience and I thank Alex for giving us this drift. I really enjoyed how easy it is told, but mostly I noticed his big THAT RATE. Alexander the Great, thank you and the next time.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Charity Hodges Topless


Real Estate Agency: Remax Future - Via Alberto Note 5 - 10122 Torino
Real Estate Consultant: Ms Elena Panataro, Iscr. Role CCIAA n ° 4016

My name is Maximus Mirror, I'm 38 years old and I live in Turin, working in a leading Italian bank and ... .. come tante persone della mia età, fino a poco tempo fa “cercavo casa”.

Ho avuto modo di conoscere Elena Panataro nel mese di Gennaio 2008 perché stavo valutando la possibilità di acquistare un appartamento; preciso che il nominativo e il numero di telefono li avevo visti all’interno di una pubblicità della rivista di compravendita immobiliare Gold di Torino.

Sinceramente ho subito avuto una buona sensazione sulla persona sia dal punto umano che professionale.

Infatti già al primo appuntamento avvenuto nell’appartamento a cui ero interessato e del quale volevo ovviamente prendere visione, ho percepito immediatamente la professionalità e il tatto umano di Elena Panataro nel deal with sensitive issues ... .. moreover, is not that you buy the house all day!

The same positive feeling I had also in his ability to broker the transaction between what were my needs and those of the Manufacturer of the property purchased by me, even in this case, frankly, it was a pleasant surprise because in the recent past I was able to monitor the purchase of another apartment made by my partner in life ... .. and believe me, it's not all so obvious.

This means that for me Panataro Elena has had a significant work experience in real estate and proven qualità umane sui rapporti relazionali, cosa che la rende un interlocutore serio, preparato e credibile per le Ditte costruttrici.

In ultimo vorrei segnalare che Elena Panataro è titolare di un’agenzia affiliata al Gruppo RE-MAX che mi risulta essere uno delle realtà leader a livello mondiale nella compravendita immobiliare: consiglio a tutti di andare a vedere, anche solo per curiosità il sito internet cosi come consiglio a tutti coloro che sono interessati a comprare e vendere una casa (o immobile di altra natura) di prendere un appuntamento almeno conoscitivo con lo studio RE-MAX di Via Nota 5 a Torino; troverete un ambiente accogliente che utilizza supporti video e informatici di ottima qualità, oltre che la presenza di personale preparato che può facilitare la ricerca di quelle che sono le proprie esigenze.

In fede

Massimo Specchio

Monday, May 5, 2008

Play Age Of Empires 3 Cd Patch


Altre aliquote e detrazioni deliberate per l'anno 2007
ALIQUOTA (per mille)
UNITA' IMMOBILIARE POSSEDUTA A TITLE TO PROPERTY 'or usufruct by elderly people or disabled people living in nursing homes or health following hospitalization permanent, provided the same has not been used and related works (Regulation ICI art. 4, paragraph 2, letter c)
5, 25 132.00 *

UNITA 'GRANTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER IN FREE TO USE RELATIVES UNTIL THE 2ND GRADE A CONDITION THAT THE SAME WAY occupy main residence and is home to REGISTER and related works (Regulation ICI art. 4, paragraph 2 , d) 5.25

132.00 * UNITS 'property used for residential purposes by ATC AND ASSIGNED TO RESIDENTS IN TURIN and related works;
UNITA' buildings owned by CIT ATC AND ASSIGNED AS A MAIN COUNTRY LIVING IN TURIN and related works;


5.25 132.00 *

UNIT 'ESTATE rented COUNTRY AS A PRINCIPAL OF THE TERRITORIAL the conditions stipulated under Law 09/23/2003 431/98 Art. 2, paragraph 3 (L. 431/98 art. 2, paragraph 4) SUBJECT TO THE SUBMISSION OF LEASE RECORDED (Reg. ICI art. 4a)

Every taxpayer who is entitled in a year, can take advantage of the deduction of € 132.00 and only once for a single housing unit. (Reg. ICI art. 4, paragraph 2 a) The units
not classified or not classified in the category "A" and actually used in the continuous use of a main by the proprietor or its partners and form RELEVANCE, enjoy the reduced rate provided for the same. For appliances intended to garage the car ADVANTAGE APPLY FOR ONE OF THEM. (Reg. ICI art. 4, paragraph 1)
The City of Turin, adjusting the orientation established by case law, it considers that the allocation of the marital home (eg. In cases of separation) is, assignee for the benefit of the spouse, the right to use the asset of a personal nature and therefore not comparable, the law of real property. Therefore, the ICI must still be paid by the owner according to its share of possession. NB: FROM 2001 ARE ALSO REQUIRED TO PAY ICI:
for real estate on which they are composed of timeshare rights (eg property or timeshare timeshare basis) payment is made by your condominium ICI or communion. For real estate
insistent on public lands that are the subject of concession, the concessionaire is required to pay the ICI. (WARNING: not to be confused with the right surface for which, as provided by art. 3 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree no. 504/93 "liable to the tax are the owner of property referred to in paragraph 2 of ' art. 1, which holds the real right of usufruct, use, housing, lease, surface, on the same, even if not residing in the State or if they have not laid the headquarters or administrative activity or not exercising).

Coraline 3d Isn't Good Dvd

January 6

6. attention to what ASSOMILGIANO WATCH TO A LOSS: ARE NOT RELIABLE. It would be unrealistic to expect a cheap mass-produced clock has the same level of precision of a carefully crafted in Rolex Details: costrutia materials are not the same quality or with the same expertise. However, in a sense, we think that it is not necessary to pay the same attention to our most important asset: ourselves. Do not leave to chance something as important as your character, chosen the best side of your character and work to develop them. Do not get discouraged when you stumble on an obstacle. The character building is a process that takes a lifetime to be completed, but fortunately, as with everything else, the more you work the more you become good at it.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

V1.6.1820 nocdを使う

Napoleon Hill

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to share with you reading a book by Napoleon Hill: 365 Meditations to make every day a success!
I should start by January 1, well let's pretend that May 1 is il primo di gennaio. Oggi vi scrivo i primi 5 giorni di gennaio e da martedì uno per giorno. (Quasi come l'oroscopo giornaliero).
GENNAIO Tratti del carattere
  1. L'AFFIDABILITA' E' LA PRIMA PIETRA SU CUISI FONDA IL BUON CARATTERE . Le persone di carattere fanno quello che dicono che faranno, rispettando tempi e modalità. I leader sono gli individui a cui gli altri si rivolgono per ottenere una guida, perchè hanno saputo dimostrare che sanno preoccuparsi per gli altri e che si può aver fiducia in loro. Se avete abbastanza rispetto di voi stessi per mantenere i vostri impegni, anche quando non conviene, gli altri vi rispetterenno. L'affidabilità, come qualunque altro tratto Character is a habit. Start today inizioo of a new year, to develop the practical aspects; difficilemantenere are postponed or if your schedule, start with small steps: promettetevi, for example, that today you will be punctual and organizzateil your time to be, you will get which will then be easier manatenere the other commitments.
  2. YOUR CHARACTER SEEN BY PEOPLE WHO FREQUENT. As the saying goes "Any such loves his neighbor." Usually we choose our friends and business partners who share our interests and our values. If allows choosing mates happy, positive and productive, it is likely soon diventeretevoi same happy, positive and productive, while people unhappy, negative and destructive certainly saddened too. Try to spend as much time with people who have a Positive Mental Attitude (AMP). If your work forces you to spend time with negative people, do not let this discourage you with their negativity, in fact, show your AMP we focus on disseminating it to them.
  3. your reputation and 'THAT' THE PEOPLE THINK OF YOU, YOUR CHARACTER AND 'THAT' THAT YOU ARE. Certainly you want your reputation and your character are the same, but you have to focus on character. In fact you can even get to a certain periodoa ingannre others about who you really are, but it rarely lasts long. To make sure that your character and your reputation are the same, you have to live your life so that anything that can embarrass you if you were on the first page of the newspaper. Having good character means never to take moral shortcuts, even if all others do, good character is built because it is doing the right thing to do.
  4. ALL EXPRESS AND YOU THOUGHT 'A PIECE OF YOUR CHARACTER. Thoughts are things that you express any thoughts, good or bad, is a form of energy that can influence those who receive it. But more importantly is that your thoughts affect yourself, you become the most things you think and if you think success, put your mind to the pursuit of success and attracting a lot. If you think back all'insuccessoe despair, we guarantee you always desperate. To keep your mind focused in a positive direction, when you start to feel the mood on the way, and strive consciously decide to eliminate all negative thoughts and replace them with their positive counterparts.
  5. the strong character 'YOUR INCOME MORE' IMPORTANT, BECAUSE 'IT TO' THE POTERE DI CAVALCARE LE EMERGENZE DELLA VITA INVECE DI LASCIARTI TRAVOLGERE DA ESSE. Senza un AMP la vita potrebbe essere descritta come un lungo periodo di incertezza, interrotto da occasionali emergenze che scuotono il profondo del proprio essere. Le emergenze possono essere finanziarie, personali o di salute, ma ogniuna dev'essere affrontata separatamente e rapidamente. Il modo più sicuro per trattare qualunque crisi è concentrarsi sulle soluzioni, non sulle probabili cause del problema o su chi debba esserne incolpato. Effettuate una veloce valutazione dei danni, prendetevi tutto il tempo per pensare alle alternative e alle conseguenze, trovate la soluzine migliore e realizzatela ; se affrontate le emergenze della vita quando occur, you will be a stronger and better person because you look straight in the eye and defeats.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Ikusa Otome Suvia Vol. 3

Testimony! Alessandro De Luca

On May 6, 2008 at 9:30 am at the offices of RE / MAX Future we will find Alessandro DE LUCA RE / MAX Gallery. I asked Alex to come and visit us to talk about his work experience! He found himself suddenly catapulted into a different job, by choice, and immediately produced results, as it did? What do you do to succeed? As you approach with customers, colleagues?

Enter and you will have the answers and above all you can ask them questions and maybe qulache steal little secret. In the spirit of sharing, share this moment.

you look!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Card Games Frustration

Dear colleagues, Elena

I am organizing for the next meetings REMAX Future, a course on the procedures as promised, Via Alberto Nota, 5.
Following the main themes: what REMAX, REMAX because Avvenire, roles within the office, introduction to collaboration, analysis, professional ethics, understanding the philosophy WIN / WIN learn the first MLS search tools, Programming the first moments of the short and follow the succession.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tooth Pain Moves Around


The strength of our mind and the freedom to use it.